Suffolk County | Rich Piquette (631) 774-4009
Brooklyn, Queens, & Nassau Counties | Dennis Hackett (631)831-8544
Manhattan, Bronx, Westchester, Putnam, & Duchess Counties | Harris Goldberg (914) 380-2950
There are many factor to consider when determining where to place your air compressor. These factors will directly impact its performance.
The location will not only determine the compressors functioning. It will also impact the entire facilities efficiency, as well as employee productivity.
To help you find the best location for your air compressor, here are some factors to consider.
Air compressors often get squeezed into small spaces. This is for two reasons. The first is that air compressors are noisy, so keeping them away from workers is beneficial. The second is because air compressors are large and take up floor space. However, this may cause the compressor to overheat if it is not properly ventilated.
Heat that is created by the air compressors must be ventilated in order to ensure maximum efficiency.
Atlas Copco Oil-Free Rotary Tooth Compressors advanced technologies combats these challenges. They are designed to be less noisy than traditional air compressors, as they have a sound insulated canopy. Additionally, the built in radial fan cools the unit effectively. These design elements help you place the compressor in any location that works for your space, without battling the noise and heat.
Air compressors should be placed where they are accessible for service. There’s routine or emergency services that need to be carried out during the lifespan of your unit. A good rule of thumb is to have a 3-foot radius around the unit for service to be carried out.
Let’s face it: your building may not allow for the perfect compressor location. In these cases, taking proper steps to ensure the compressor is safe and accessible is vital. Furthermore, complex locations can result in more expensive repairs due to the need for more technicians and an increase in service time. It is in your best interest to create the optimal space for your unit.
Delivery lines are more important than one may think. Your air compressor piping needs to be sized and planned to ensure optimal performance.
When choosing your air compressor placement, it is important to consider the piping needed. Narrow lines or sharp bends will affect the pressure and energy usage.
Also, the quality of the piping is important. Maintaining pressure, minimizing leakage, and maintaining the quality of the air should be considered.